Thank you for being here! 

I know as a business owner you are doing amazing work and making a huge impact for your clients. If you are like me, there is a good chance you often find yourself struggling to connect with a bigger audience

It’s hard and time consuming, life is busy enough already. The bad news is that doing brilliant, gifted work is simply not enough anymore, but the good news is, I can help.

I can simplify showing up for your ideal client and realising your vision with ease and confidence. I have come to appreciate the importance of sharing my story, focusing on visibility and growing a positive mindset without burning out in the process and I’d love to help you do the same.

I have a marketing background (BBS with Marketing, MBA & 15 years in commercial roles in the corporate world) and since I opened my own photography business 2018 I can proudly say I have helped 100's of business owners boost their confidence and visibility and move closer to their vision of success with my unique photography offering and supportive approach.

My combined experience has brought me to this very exciting place where I know I can help you raise your brand awareness to new heights, joyfully share as your authentic self and reach your potential as a brand and a human being.

I’m also a wife and Mammy to the two cool little people pictured below, we live near the Sugar Loaf mountain in Wicklow and I’m grateful every day to to run a business I love and do the school run most days. My days are slightly chaotic and imperfect but that’s fine by me, we are happy and so are my clients so something is going right!